If the man-made damage is found during the guarantee time, our company will answer for the maintain and will charge the maintain costs generated by this. 保修期内出现人为的损坏,我公司负责进行维修,并收取由此产生的维修费用。
I cannot answer for the conduct of others. Ill speak to the person in charge and ask him to take care of the problem. 我不能对其他人的行为负责。我会对负责人员讲,让他来处理这件事。
In addition, still answer the requirement pay according to the bank is other charge, wait like notarial cost, insurance premium. 此外,还应根据银行的要求缴纳其他费用,如公证费、保险费等。
Answer: working chief duty is the safe in full charge of pair of job sites. 答:工作负责人职责是对工作现场的安全负全责。
The magistrate, if satisfied that there are reasonable grounds, issues a summons to the accused to attend court to answer the charge, or in certain circumstances issues a warrant for his arrest. 如果法官认为理由充分合理,就会向被告发出到庭答辩的传票,或者在特定情况下签发逮捕证。
ROGER CLEMENS, a former star pitcher, is due to appear before court on Monday30th to answer the charge that he lied to Congress when testifying about his use of performance-boosting drugs. 罗杰。克莱门斯,一位前美国职棒联盟明星投手,预计在30日星期一出庭以回应关于他在兴奋剂使用检测上欺骗国会的指控。
Speaking in Chicago's Grant Park, Mr Obama offered his own story as an eloquent answer to the charge that the US has lost the idealism of its founding fathers. 针对美国已丧失其国父理想主义的指责,奥巴马在芝加哥格兰特公园发表讲话时,以自身经历作出了雄辩的回答。
He must, however, answer to the charge by pleading "guilty" or "not guilty". 然而,他必须回答诉讼中“有罪”或者“无罪”的询问。
The minister was on his feet at once to answer the charge. 部长立即起立答复那项指控。